Brynn had been counting down for days until her birthday. A couple of nights she would come out while I thought she was sleeping and would ask me questions like..are you going to decorate the kitchen?, do I get breakfast in bed?, and can I have the candle with the number 6 on it? She had been so excited it was obvious it was something on her mind a lot. So last night we decorated with balloons and streamers so when she came out of her room she would see them. We made her the breakfast of her choice which was pancakes and eggs which she ate in bed. We then watched her video and opened presents. We went to church and then headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Condies house for more fun.
The first Sunday of every month, my family all tries to get together and have dinner/family night together. This time it happened to fall right on her birthday so she was especially excited to see her cousins and Grandparents on her birthday. We had a great time together.
Happy Birthday BRYNN